Mein%20Philosophie%20 %20Kopie

When designing my yoga lessons, I am very sensitive to the individual group’s needs while making sure the exercises are still challenging. My intention is to move my yogis’ and yoginis’ focus from their heads to their bodies. I make sure all exercises are performed anatomically correctly when making use of props, such as blocks, blanket or belts. In addition, I combine the skills I acquired during my yoga therapeutic training with my knowledge of various yoga styles. Hence, a single yoga class might include therapeutic asanas, powerful and yang-oriented flows as well as regenerative and yin-oriented phases, in which the breath guides the movements, always aiming to reach an energetic balance towards deep calmness, serenity and well-being.

My intention is not to master the most difficult yoga postures but to prevent diseases through yoga by strengthening the body, the immune system and the mind.
The combination of breathing techniques and asanas increases the influx of oxygen in the deeper tissue layers, loosens fascial adhesions, reduces acidaemia and improves blood circulation. As a result, the heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar are verifiably lowered. Stress hormones are reduced and the nervous system as well as brain function and the memory are strengthened.

Especially with therapeutic yoga, with the integration of mudras and meditations, all blockages can be released and the meridians can be stimulated. Therefore, yoga supports the healing process of many diseases.
By boosting the entire endocrine system, problems with the hormonal cycle, menopause and fertility are reduced. Besides that, all social diseases and problems of today´s society such as obesity, diabetes mellitus type 2 and hypothyroidism are diminished.