
In yoga coaching, many specific topics can be covered in a 1: 1 setting and health problems can be tackled.

Based on Ayurvedic health teaching, tailored activities are designed to improve the well-being of the client with the help of breathing techniques, meditations, mudras and "Activities of Daily Life". If desired, the client will receive her/his personal guidelines on a handout or as a photo documentation.
Costs on request.

Possible topics for this:

• Problems in the musculoskeletal system such as scoliosis, herniated discs, problems in the lower back

• Joint pains

• Pelvic floor problems

• Sacrum and hip problems

• Posture improvement

• Neck and shoulder pain

• Golfer's elbow

• Foot problems

• Sciatica

• Meniscus and knee problems

• breathing

• Digestive disorders such as Chron's disease, constipation and weight problems

• Problems with the internal organs such as cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension (low blood pressure), hypertension (high blood pressure), impaired kidney function, liver problems, etc.

• Hormonal imbalances such as PMS, menopausal symptoms and underactive thyroid gland

• Type 2 diabetes mellitus

• General improvement of the immune system

• Allergies

• Depression

• Burnout prophylaxis and chronic fatigue syndrome

• Stress relief and stress resilience

• Improving concentration

• Dementia prophylaxis

• Sleep disorder

• Hyperactivity

• Multiple sclerosis

• Tinnitus

• Chronic anxiety

• Grinding teeth

• Increasing self-esteem and well-being

• Anti-Age

All information and exercises provided are for assistance only and do not replace a visit to the doctor. The application is 100% on your own responsibility.

Price on request; Brief preliminary clarification by phone, if you have any questions, follow-up support is also provided by phone or email.

The full amount is due unless cancellation is made at least 48 hours before the arranged appointment. Please cancel by phone. Otherwise the full amount (excluding travel costs) needs to be paid
