
“You always manage to do my absolute favorite lesson and then shortly afterwards there is a better one… I can only repeat myself: Your yoga is brilliant! I love your hours! So, that had to go, I can't keep it to myself. " Patricia H.

“I had some yoga lessons over the last weeks and to summarize, it was a quite excellent experience. Katharina is highly motivated, fully filled with yoga knowledge and most important she is able to inspire the audience. She is explaining the Asanas / Mudras very well, so usually everybody understands what to do. And also with a larger group of more than 20 people she has an eye on everyone and takes care of not so experienced people with correcting them in a helpful way. Thank you, Katharina. " Fabrice A.

“Thank you very much for these beautiful videos with all the important information that only you can get! You know the body as if you had studied medicine! " Irmtraud

“For me you are a 'CORIFEE' that means you are the best. I enjoy your yoga, the 1 ½ hour goes by too quickly. Your guidance and your lovely way of leading is good for you. The weekly themes are also something special. Hope you stay with us for a long time. I'm looking forward to the next yoga class again. " Elfi K.

“I have always experienced Katharina as a committed, competent, attentive yoga teacher who always keeps an overview during the lesson - even with larger groups - and gives the participants tips for better performing an exercise. She calls the clients by name. That gives the lessons a very personal touch. Even beginners like me are lovingly motivated to give what they can and to respect their own limits. This with the hint that what is not possible today can be achieved later. " Lucas S.

“Katharina, you have a very extensive knowledge of what gives you security, joy and ease as a participant. After your lesson I'll go out like an elf, I'm happy and grateful to be able to do yoga with you !! The clarity of the instructions for the individual exercises, and at the same time the overview of the total number of participants, is incredibly impressive. You have a loving, appreciative manner, so it is not surprising that sometimes there is hardly any space. " Ulli B.

"Super Kathi! Once again great! We love you for it! " Marina & Andreas S.

“I can't tell you how happy I am with the videos. You now make me independent of the stress with the limited participation in the courses. … Corona… Since I got your videos, yoga with Katharina has been an integral and important part of my morning lessons. There is so much! I am really grateful to you. I would also like to thank you again for the tips about my illness. (Private Sons) This has resulted in a remarkable improvement. I could hardly believe it. ... Lots of love and hopefully see you soon, when things are more or less normal again. " IN THE.

“Katharina is a very competent yoga teacher. She explains the sequence of the exercises, and what you should pay particular attention to, so great that you can do them without looking constantly. Your knowledge of the effect of individual mudras and exercises on the body fascinates me again and again! A great teacher! " Brigitte K.

"Dear Katharina, thank you for your private lessons, for the helpful exercises that are taught digitally and analogously. Thank you for the nutritional advice and the holistic approach to the topic. Therapeutic yoga helps. Thanks!" Monika

“I had severe pain in my right shoulder for 4 months due to excessive physical exercise. The orthopedic surgeon gave me 2 injections and referred me to physiotherapy. Various exercises, massage, applications of electricity and even a stay at a spa did not help. Only after an excellently prepared private lesson with Katharina, in which she gave me specific exercises and a therapy plan tailored to my needs, I was able to move my shoulder pain-free again within three weeks by practicing the asanas repeatedly. In addition, I received tips on nutrition and life issues. I will always be grateful for your help. Thanks!" Helmut

“Katharina offers highly qualified, mainly therapeutic yoga. The instructions are to be understood clearly and, depending on the possible degree of difficulty, can be carried out well. The spiritual instructions give strength and calm. The motor instructions stretch and strengthen the entire body system. And important: Yoga strengthens the immune system. Thank you for the great, varied yoga units. " Brigitte N.

"Hello Katharina, I want to say thank you for our great yoga classes. Your commitment to do justice to all of us - your expertise - your empathy and your spirit in general. You are a great asset to us. I always look forward to your lessons. Glg and Namasté. " Gaby

“Dear Katharina, your yoga classes are varied and exciting. Your versatile knowledge is a gift for us; I look forward to every hour and thank you for your commitment! " Monika R.

"You explain very precisely and lead into the positions very well." Andreas

“Your videos are great. Especially when my back starts to get in touch again - zap - a video of you and with you and everything is fine. " Elisabeth T.

"Dear Katharina, thank you very much for your great yoga, which we have been able to participate in with you for a long time. It is always an enrichment of you to be guided through the powerful and demanding sequences, taking into account your own well-being. You always pay attention to the correct execution of the participants and accompany with your calm voice through the final relaxation. One can start the day with joy. A big THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. " R&F

“I am enthusiastic about your anti-aging program. Many Thanks! It's just unbelievably good! " Irmtraud

“Katharina organizes the lessons extremely professionally. She prepares individually for each client. Your hours fly by and have a lasting effect. Katharina has very good knowledge, which she is constantly expanding. This for the benefit of the clients. Manfred (private lessons)

"An enrichment for me!" Alexander

"I'm looking forward to your next videos, could get really addicted to them and thank you again!" Lisbeth Maria

“Dear Katharina, that was great! Thank you for the great hour. " Ruth D.

“Very precise and anatomically exact instructions. Great to participate. Thank you very much  " J.F.E.

"It's time to say thank you, dear Katharina, thank you for the valuable videos with which you made the time of the Corona restrictions exciting and a daily highlight. I now enjoy the exercises with all the valuable information with the consistency that was always lacking in the past, but I still don't want to miss your courses. They are always an experience for body, mind and soul! I hope we can continue to benefit from your great knowledge. " Irmtraud M., Weiler

“In this way I would like to say a loving thank you to you. Your lessons are great. I think it's great that you also keep a trained eye on your participants. Your nice improvement is for a correct and healthy yoga. I hope that I can experience many more hours with you. NAMASTE " Eleanor

"Dear Katharina, I have just done yoga with your Youtube, with your program before the sport. It was great, you get it across really well. All the best and best wishes. " Manuela S.

“I always look forward to your yoga classes, I don't want to miss any class. You are a wonderful figure and have a very pleasant voice, your charisma is so good for me. You prepare carefully every lesson, I can learn something from you every time. You can tell that we are important to you. You always guide us very well during the exercises, and you also look at everyone to see whether we are doing it right. It's very interesting that you offer a different topic every week. The final meditation is always the best thing for me, after that I always go into the day full of joy and energy. I've been to a few yoga teachers, but you really are my favorite. " Anita D.

“Dear Katharina, your yoga videos are wonderful! For me it's like you're giving me a private lesson. The asanas are perfectly instructed and I can really enjoy the final relaxation! Thank you so much!" Ruth K.

"Thank you for everything, your yoga classes were always very good." (Student of the Matura class via WhatsApp)

"Thank you very much for the instructive and beneficial yoga classes with you." (Student of the Matura class via WhatsApp)

"Thank you for your efforts and the great time." (Student of the Matura class via WhatsApp)

“Dear Katharina, I did yoga with your video on Monday. It was wonderful. However, I am also happy about every opportunity that presents itself to be with you LIVE. I've been with you for almost exactly 2 years. .... I have learned a lot from you and I am very impressed by the loving way you treat each and every one of them. It is just nice to feel that you are in such good hands. What I'm really excited about is that you always support exactly the topic that concerns me right now. You are very dear to me. Thank you for everything from the bottom of my heart. " Gabriele W.

“I would like to thank you very much for the excellent yoga classes and your commitment. I wish you a good time and hope to see you again in good health. " Ilona M.